God Redeems the Dreams We Thought Were Lost

“Addiction in pews is one of Christianity’s best-kept secrets. Twelve years married to a cocaine addict left me overwhelmed with isolation and shame as we sat together in church week after week, where no one fathomed our family skeltons. God stirred my spirit to seek personal healing and give voice to my reality. Through Him, I gound freedom from silence and redemption for things I thought forever lost. Same Dress, Different Day chronicles my journey from victim to victor as I learned to break free from codependency’s suffocating cycle and see my Savior as the soul mate and provider my addicted spouse could never be.”
W W W INVITE Juliet to speak  at your next event:  author
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God Redeems the Dreams We

Thought Were Lost

“Addiction in pews is one of Christianity’s best-kept secrets. Twelve years married to a cocaine addict left me overwhelmed with isolation and shame as we sat together in church week after week, where no one fathomed our family skeltons. God stirred my spirit to seek personal healing and give voice to my reality. Through Him, I gound freedom from silence and redemption for things I thought forever lost. Same Dress, Different Day chronicles my journey from victim to victor as I learned to break free from codependency’s suffocating cycle and see my Savior as the soul mate and provider my addicted spouse could never be.”

About Juliet Van Heerden

For as long as she can remember, Juliet has been journaling her journey with God. Mostly, she allows Him to navigate her life. Occasionally, she takes matters into her own hands, ending up in the ditch. Whether in the ditch or on the high road, Juliet is writing. She first glimpsed her name in print in a 1996 Bird Watcher’s Digest. Recently she began blogging her experience as the former spouse of a cocaine-addicted Christian.
Juliet holds an M.S.Ed. in Literacy Education. After 17 years of teaching students to read and write, she took time away from the classroom to draft her own spiritual memoir. Passionate about addiction recovery, Juliet initiated a 12 Step group in her local church, where she is also the pastor’s wife. As an itinerant speaker for women, recovery groups and congregations, she joyfully shares her inpirational journey.
W W W INVITE Juliet to speak  at your next event:  author
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Juliet Van Heerden © 2016-2023
Juliet Van Heerden © 2016-2023
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